Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perfect Creek

It"s a beautiful fall morning with just a bit of cool crispness in the air. Just enough to wake you up, yet not enough to keep the fish from biting. The creek is crystal clear and about four to six feet deep. The fish are good size an look to be large bass, bluegill, and catfish, from what I can tell. Everyone says that the small creeks are not worth fishing.... well, to tell you the truth I am glad that they think that. Well, for now, lets try our luck. 
I am going to use a old trick that I learned from my grandpa. You take three number six bait hooks, and put them about four to six inches apart. The hooks have to be on a loop to swing free. Then, take about a inch of worm looped on each hook with about half of the worm free to move. Then flick it out, and let it float to the bottom. After a  minute or two, give it a lite tug, and let it float to the bottom again. It drives the fish nuts, and at times it never gets to the bottom. Its kind of like chumming with three chunks of bait.
What a beautiful morning to relax and enjoy some fishing. Aw man, It looks like I may have a problem fishing this morning. Old bear dog has decided he wants to go for a swim and chase the fish. Oh well, I love watching him chase minnows in the shallows. He caught one and you should see the look on his face as it wiggled on his tongue. You know that uckkkkoooo nasty look that's just plain funny.
Well, guess he got his fill of fun he is headed for the truck. Glad he is in the back, I at least wont smell of wet dog when we go home. Oh well, on to another creek.

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