Sunday, May 08, 2016

Fleeting Time

                                      Fleeting Time

Have you ever felt the world is moving to fast? I am sure, we all have felt that way at one time or another. I ... I just can not for the life of me, figure how all this has happened. You expect children to grow up, but, I mean, one day its grandpa this, and grandpa that. Lets go fishing grandpa. Can I ride grandmas bike? Show me how to make pancakes, grandpa, lets play catch! How do you throw a knife grandpa? Don't I look pretty with a flower in my hair grandpa? Lets make cookies grandpa. Grandpa, lets make a bird house. (I still have that birdhouse, and the fond memory's of its build) Don't grandma an me look alike grandpa? Lets play spider solitary grandpa, you know you want to, please. You got to love grand kids for their thirst for knowledge and their Unsustainable curiosity of life.   
As of late I wonder more and more if I have been asleep, and just woke up years later. I have two grown women and a young lady for grand daughters, as well as two grandsons. One who is taller than me (he has to be six foot) and the other growing like a weed, and in a couple of years will be taller than me also. His mom says he getting ready for a growth spurt. Growth spurt hell, they must be feeding the boys fertilizer, as it seems overnight, they have grown up tall, and still growing.
Still I can not for the life of me fathom how in the world time has slipped by so quickly. I mean, I have told others, enjoy them while you can they grow up fast, and dam it, time is a cruel mistress. She teases you with bits of  life, that you can never hold onto, except in the fleeting moments of memory in your mind. Then laughs at you, as you try to make sense of what has happened to the precious time, you made the most, of with them.
Still, all in all, it was a grand time we had, and will still have when they visit. Now I look forward to the sounds of great grandpa how do you do this? great grandpa can we do this or can we do that? Maybe, just Maybe, if I live long enough, I can cheat time, and enjoy the sounds of great grandchildren. 
That would be a blast!


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