Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Mind Quest

The Mind Quest

Everything is ,but is not.
Everyone See's but in truth is blind.
A sword that cuts, yet can not cut its self, is like eyes that see but yet are blind.
The mountains themselves are but mountains,
yet to man they are a challenge to overcome.
The universal mother earth loves and nourishes all things,
but she will not lord over that what suckles of her life.
To be without being is the essence of life.
To ebb and flow with the everlasting universe,
is to know strength and weakness.
To be full, you must first be empty and content.
To be wise, you must only open your mind.
All this can be but yet not be.
The morning glory that blooms for but an hour, differs not
at heart, from the giant redwood living a thousand years.
For all things are equal with a open mind.
The flowers depart, and we cry to lose them.
The weeds arrive, and we hate to see them grow.
Yet, both are beauty and life, to the open window's in our mind.
I have found, in truth, all that I am I was.
All that I will be, I am.
My mind is open and flowing, with the cosmos at last.
I no longer have wants or needs.
I have understanding.

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