Thursday, May 10, 2007


Ever wish you could change your past? I did, till the time master showed me what would happen. He came to my door the other day, I was just in the area and heard your thoughts. Are you game for a go? Why not, I thought. I could change my life for the better, just eliminate a few thing from my past, and bingo, all would be good, or so I thought

OK, what if I never married my first wife? He bent time and pulled the thread. I found myself alone, unemployed, living on the street. How can this happen? He simply said, if you had not gotten into a fight with her and cut your finger you would have never met your second wife. Well how about if I never had gotten shot when I worked as a Private security officer. Again, time bent, and the thread was pulled. Again I found myself alone. This time, I was bitter, old, and ill tempered. What happened? He said, when you were shot you realized that life was short, and made changes you had a family. You had grandchildren, and soon, great grandchildren to keep you happy.

This went on for hours. A thread here, and one their, till at last I found just what I wanted. And I was very content at last.

OH, the change you ask? Well, that's the rub. For you see I finally found that I wanted nothing changed, at all. Why? It is simple really. I am who I am. To change that, would be the greatest mistake of all. I may not be happy with some things that happened in my life. However, I found that the journey is half the fun. Getting anything changed makes me less of the person people see and enjoy. Life has it's ups and downs and that is the most important part of living. To feel the full range of human emotion, only then can we feel truly alive.

Change is the only constant in life that helps you grow. No, I must accept the bad with the good. Only then can I be whole. Only then can I be fulfilled, and satisfied.

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